Research at ENSG

Developing knowledge and fuelling innovation in the field of geographic information: these are the research missions of ENSG-Géomatique. These missions contribute particularly to IGN's outreach and technological excellence.

Fields of research

Research at ENSG-Geomatics is focused on the following main areas:

Lidar HD pont du Gard

ENSG's research teams offer their expertise in the following areas :

  • In various IGN departments, whether to assess the feasibility of operations or to develop structuring and innovative projects such as the HD LIDAR. It transfers skills and technologies to the Institute's innovation department. IGN's research and technology master plan sets out the main challenges that the IGN will have to meet in the coming years, and in which research will play a key role.
  • other socio-economic players, mainly as research partnerships. The school's research results are generally made accessible by opening up the corresponding computer code: licences are therefore an exception.
  • Researchers are also involved in the school's training courses to guarantee their scientific quality. Researchers play an active role in the cutting-edge teaching provided at ENSG-Géomatique.

ENSG's integration into the  Gustave Eiffel University provides an opportunity to strengthen research links with the other departments of the University, particularly in the field of sustainable and resilient cities. The ​​​​​​​LASTIG, to which most of the school's researchers are attached, is a joint research unit between ENSG-Géomatique and Gustave Eiffel University.

More broadly speaking, the research teams at ENSG-Géomatique collaborate with those at public research institutions such as CNES, ONERA, INRAE and Ecole des Ponts.

In addition to widely recognised publications (around 70 articles per year), IGN research is active in research-related bodies.

Research is carried out by around 100 people, including around 55 permanent researchers and engineers, spread across 6 multidisciplinary skills centres.