About us

France's 1st and only geomatics “Grande Ecole”
80 years of history
400 students
+11,000 alumni
70 researchers and professors
6 areas of expertise
1 scientific resource and information centre
Updated 03/09/2024
France's 1st and only geomatics “Grande Ecole”
80 years of history
400 students
+11,000 alumni
70 researchers and professors
6 areas of expertise
1 scientific resource and information centre
Where the geographical sciences meet mathematics and information technology...
Geomatics, a field at the service of the community offering a wide range of applications.
Since it was founded in 1941, ENSG-Geomatics has trained more than 11,000 students from 80 countries in geographic information technologies and their use in decision-making.
The school provides training for all professionals involved in geographic information technologies and their use throughout the public and private sectors.
The ENSG-Géomatique is a graduate school of the French National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information (IGN), a public institution under the dual supervision of the Ministries of Ecological Transition and Agriculture. The school is located at the heart of the Cité Descartes, a university campus located just a few minutes from Paris, in Champs-sur-Marne (department 77).
The teaching provided at ENSG focuses on technologies for acquiring and processing geographic information, its integration into databases and geographic information systems, and its use in decision-making. This theoretical teaching is supplemented by numerous internships, including internships abroad and in France, as well as a hands-on internship in the field, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region.
ENSG-Geomatics has developed strong academic partnerships at national level with prestigious universities and Grandes Ecoles, to offer high-level training. ENSG-Géomatique is an IGN school and a member of the Gustave Eiffel University.
Nos établissements partenaires académiques :
The school is associated with the network of schools in the region. It is also a member of the Paris-Est Sup community of universities and schools, the French Engineering Schools Directors' Conference (CDEFI), the French Grandes Ecoles Conference (CGE) and the Digital Engineering and Technology University Consortium (UNIT).
ENSG also works with professional associations such as the French Association for Geographic Information (AFIGEO), the Alumni Association (AAE-ENSG), DécryptaGéo, FOSS4G, etc.
Updated 03/09/2024
6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal
Cité Descartes
77455 Marne la Vallée
L'ENSG-Géomatique forme des professionnels qui ont vocation à travailler dans le domaine des technologies de l’information géographique : la géomatique. Ils seront amenés à exercer leur activité professionnelle dans de nombreux secteurs.