Forest Inventory Laboratory (LIF)

Research at ENSG-Géomatique supports innovation in the National Forest Inventory. This inventory is one of IGN's responsibilities; it provides information on the state of the French forest, its evolution over time and its potential. In Europe, for example, the French forest is unique in its diversity. Therefore, the forest inventory is an important tool for understanding climate change.  

arbre dans une forêt

The Forest Inventory Laboratory (LIF) at ENSG-Géomatique conducts research in three areas :

  • statistically optimising the national forest inventory. The aim is to continually strengthen the scientific basis of the inventory in order to improve performance and reduce costs;
  • developing the multi-source dimension of the inventory. Advances in remote sensing and data processing offer opportunities to increase the resolution of the inventory and to supplement it with new information;
  • making the most of inventories to meet new needs. This area aims to develop new indicators for forest resources and the services they provide, for example for the climate.

The LIF laboratory has a staff of 10, including 5 permanent researchers and engineers. It is based in Nancy, within the forestry and wood hub, where it works with leading partners such as Agro Paritech, INRAE and the University of Lorraine.