Studying at ENSG

Ideally located, ENSG offers both a quiet environment in Marne-la-Vallée and quick access to Paris by public transport (25 minutes) to enjoy the social and cultural life of the capital. Thanks to the human scale of its classes, ENSG ensures a strong integration of international students. Thanks to its network of associations, the school and the Cité Descartes campus offer students a wide range of activities (sports, arts, cinema, debates, games, etc.).

Photo de l'ENSG-Géomatique

Students wishing to enrol in the land-surveying/Geomatics vocational bachelor's degree and engineering courses should contact ENSG-Géomatique. For other courses, registration is made through the partner school only.

There are several ways to enrol at ENSG- Géomatique

Through an exchange partnership

Step 1 : Your home institution nominates you. If your higher education institution has a student exchange agreement with ENSG-Géomatique, you can then apply for international mobility at the school.  Nomination deadlines are as follows :

  • 1st semester (September to end of January) and full year: May 1
  • 2nd semester (end of January to end of May): September 30

NB: M2 mobility is offered for the full year only (no semester mobility).   

Step 2: Application.   Once you have been nominated by your higher education institution, you will be asked to fill out an application form and choose the program you wish to apply for.  Below is the list of programmes open to incoming Erasmus students :

  • 2nd year of the engineering course 
  • PPMD Specialized Master 
  • Master 2 TSI
  • Master 2 IGAST

Application deadlines: You will have two weeks to fill out and send the application form.

Stage 3: Your application is reviewed. The school’s pedagogical team studies your application and can arrange a video interview if necessary. 

Step 4: You get a response from ENSG- Géomatique. The school will respond to your application within 5 weeks, at which point you will receive a letter of acceptance and advice on preparing for your arrival in France.

Via a dual degree

Students wishing to pursue a dual degree should contact their current institution, which will forward their application to ENSG-Géomatique for review.

Applying directly to a course

Depending on your nationality and country of residence, there are several application procedures - they fall into two broad categories :

If you do not need to apply for a visa to study in France :

This applies to European students and non-European students already living in Europe. You must therefore follow the application procedure specific to each course.

If you need a visa to study at ENSG : ENSG is a member of the Campus France forum and therefore follows the ‘Studying in France' procedure.  


The ‘Studying in France’ procedure is intended for foreign students residing in one of the following 65 countries:

AFRICASouth Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Mauritania, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Chad, Togo.
ASIAArmenia, Burma, Cambodia, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
AMERICAArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic
NORTH AFRICA/ MIDDLE EASTAlgeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia.
EUROPEAzerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

If you live in one of these countries, this application procedure is compulsory if you wish to study at ENSG.  All the procedures are carried out online, from applying to obtaining a visa, making it easier for you.   You will find full details of this procedure in the article  ‘If you live in a country covered by the “Studying in France" procedure'.    

If you are not an EU citizen, do not currently reside in the EU and are not a citizen of a country covered by the ‘’Studying in France” procedure, you have until 1 March to apply via the standard procedure.

Language requirements

Before you come to study in France, it is important that you have a sufficient level in French (written and spoken - level B2). Please note that our courses are taught in French. We therefore strongly recommend that you improve your knowledge of the language before you come to study at ENSG-Géomatique.  If you wish, you can take French as a Foreign Language (FLE) courses through the Université Gustave Eiffel. 

A student’s account

Marie is from Kristiansand in Norway. As part of the Erasmus + exchange programme, she came to spend a semester at ENSG, in the second year of the engineering course. We spoke to her just a few days before she left. 

What courses did you take and what were your favourites ?
“I had courses in webmapping, programming, finance, economics and project management, so I took the same courses as the others, except for English, which I decided not to take. I really liked the web applications course, and I made a lot of progress in this subject because I'd had a course in Norway where I had to create a web application without any introduction or information from the teacher (we had to Google everything), whereas here I was able to understand everything, both in terms of content and interactions.”

Why did you want to study at ENSG ?
“I chose to study at ENSG because it's the only school of geomatics in France. In Norway, I study engineering specialised in geomatics.”

Did you feel you fitted in your class?
“As French is not my mother tongue, I didn't understand everything that was said in the classroom, but nevertheless I did fit in.”

Have you made any progress in French?
“I've been studying French since high school, and I took French lessons for a month before I started at ENSG. I also took some during my stay, so my French has improved a lot.”

Are there any differences between the Norwegian and the French higher education systems?
“I really enjoyed the atmosphere at ENSG, especially in the classroom. I was in a small group, so the teachers could help me more and they also remembered me. In fact, that's not the case at all in Norway, so it made a big difference to me.”

If you had to recommend ENSG, what would you say?
“If I had to promote ENSG, I'd say it's the ideal school to study geomatics because the people are connected, and I felt really comfortable.”

What are your plans for the future?“I don't know what area of geomatics I'm going to specialise in yet - maybe programming because I'm really keen on that subject.”


Student from Norway


Contact pictureClaire Driessens

Claire Driessens

Responsable du service des relations internationales